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320x240 VERSION
This is a video mashup of the song The Organization [ QuickTime 320x240 10.2 MB ]
640x480 VERSION
Video mashup of the song The Organization [ QuickTime 640x480 104 MB ].
This is FULL DV quality, 640x480 version, uploaded to the internet archive.
The song is by The Herms.
The video uses clips from many of my videoblogs and will have it's world premiere at SXSW 2006. Stop by the IODA (Independent Online Distribution Alliance) Kickoff Party on Wednesday, March 15, from 1-6 pm to hear some great indie bands and see this video along with others.
Thanks for those people pictured in the video:
Andy Jasenak, Amy Carpenter, Annaliese Rittershause, David Pogue (on keyboards).
Also thanks to Mark Wuerthner for shooting some of the car show footage. Thanks to the Participatory Democracy artists and Rick Pinchera for Vote Alley, Futuro Vote and Two-Headed Ed.
Thanks to The Thunderbirds.
And thanks for J.D. Lasica for asking me to be a part of this project.