I've gotten a few requests from people to show my new Akimbo box which lets you watch the internet from your tv set.
Let's check it out.
Look, there I am, it says The Carol and Steve Show, and there it is. We're going to watch the Carol and Steve Show on TV and see what it looks like. There it is.
[ watches some of the show ]
So there it was. It's pretty exciting to see my video blog on tv.
I always thought that putting a video blog on tv defeats the purpose because then you're gonna loose the ability to post comments or click back to the web site.
But Josh Goldman from Akimbo brought up a good point, what's it like when you download a podcast and it goes on your ipod. You can't coment or link back. So it's just playing hte media on a differnet device.
With Akimbo it's letting more people see what viceo bloggers are up to and maybe we'll bet more video bloggers out of it.
Look at that Rocketboom for June 1st. Let's play that and watch it on TV.
[ watches some of Rocketboom ]
There's a little glimpse of what video blogs on tv look like.
Let me know what you think.