Here's a rough cut of the footage I shot at the Time Traveler Convention that was held at MIT on Saturday May 7th, 2005.
I edited this footage down from 6:27 to a shorter length, 3:10, for airing on Rocketboom. They are going to show a snipet on 5/10/05.
We arrived at MIT at 6:45 to check out the scence and see if any local media was there to cover the convention. It was raining.
The first shot I wanted was one of the MIT main building and dome to set our establishing shot.
I figured that MIT students would know how to figure out the coordinates. So there I was standing out in the rain, asking people to help me AND be videotaped.
They were really nice, and they knew what I was talking about.
After that, we moved over to the hall and walked in to set up the camera and interview some more people who were there to attend.
I loved asking about the Prime Directive and the possibility of a singularity.
While waiting for the main program to start, I talked to the conference organizers. They had restricted broadcast media from filming inside the event, but had to check if a daily news show like Rocketboom, which is delivered via the internet, would fall under the same restriction.
As it got closer to the time for the convention to start, campus security came by to ask if I had permission to shoot video of the presentations. I told them that I was waiting for an answer and then the organizers came by and told me that I could not film the proceedings. So I put my camera away.
Wired magazine has a nice write up of the conference and speakers.
Here's the information on the convention:
The Time Traveler Convention
May 7, 2005, 10:00pm EDT (08 May 2005 02:00:00 UTC)
East Campus Courtyard, MIT
3 Ames St. Cambridge, MA 02142
42:21:36.025°N, 71:05:16.332°W
(42.360007,-071.087870 in decimal degrees)