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I dont know if I am the first one in the country to do this or not, but at Riverfield Country Day School in Tulsa, OK, we have started a during school, graded, legit rock program. Like School of Rock, only legal, we are using the progressive nature of this non-religious school to play host for this new idea. The class is open to all 6-11th graders and meets before lunch.

I have found several programs in schools in Australia, but not any in the US that are school sponsored, and part of the curriculum.

We are currently looking for corporate sponsors, so if you know anyone who is looking to sponsor a program like this, it would be appreciated.


i like this website cuz i fancie freddy lol
from sophiexXx

hotel Almuñecar

Si analizamos nuestra realidad, talvez lleguemos a la conclusión de que el espiritu del rock and roll hoy en día no es posible.
A finales de los años 50, el mundo entero se contagió de una fiebre de cuero, charol y brillantina al mejor estilo de Elvis Presley. La moda eran las pandillas, los autos convertibles, los jeans apretados para los hombres y los pescadores coloridos para las mujeres. Así quedó plasmado en producciones cinematográficas como Rebelde sin causa (con James Dean, 1955) y El salvaje (con Marlon Brando, 1953), cuyos argumentos apelaban al estereotipo de época que cautivaba por igual a niños, jóvenes y adultos.


I'm from Italy, so I'll do a comment in Italy and then I'll translate it in english!!!

Joey Gaydos e Caitlin Hale siete i migliori nel film vorrei tanto incontrarvi un giorno!!! Siete grandi e fichissimi!!!!

Joey Gaydos and Caitlin Hale you're the best in the movie I'd like to meet you someday!!! you're so great and cool!!!!

Your italian fan number 1


how can i join the next series of rock school???


JOEY (ZACK) IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just want to tell you that i am so addicted to school of rock!!
i watch it 5 times a day, everu tuesdays, thursdays and weekends and three times every monday, wednesday and friday maling it 593 times...
actually i already memorized their lines!!

DJ Dougy D

SOR is great, but i dont watch it 24/7, i watch it occasionally, but i never knew there was addicts like that!


miranda coscrove (summer) is very hot i hope she will be my girl one day p.s. im white 13 m tx love ya. miranda.


zack is soooooooooo hot xxx


Caithlin is so hot i date her it's ashame she can't see me cause i live in England

Love ya. Caithlin

Sylvia Ring

Ah, I've seen this. What a great show!

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