Paramount Announces the VH1/School of Rock Battle of the Bands Contest.
To promote music education in both schools and at home, Paramount Home Entertainment, VH1 Save The Music and the American Music Conference (AMC) have banded together to develop a nationwide contest encouraging students to create and record their own original song. Celebrating the DVD release of "School of Rock" on March 2, the "VH1/School of Rock Battle of the Bands Contest" will enable middle and high school students aged from 13-19 to compete for the chance to have their original recording produced into a music video and aired by VH1.Get started!
Rock Camp is an edgy music "rockumentary" series that premiers on April 5th, 2004 and is broadcast 4:30 to 5 p.m. every Monday and Tuesday for seven weeks (14 episodes).
Based on a real summer camp program called "Summer Rock" run by the Canadian Conservatory of Music in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the last 18 years, "Rock Camp" will concentrate on the nitty-gritty of making it as a rock band.
In April 2003, Collideascope launched their national quest for young guitarists, bass players, keyboard players, drummers, singers, and songwriters. From hundreds of applications, 18 young Canadian rock musicians between the ages of 14-18 were selected to spend three weeks at "Rock Camp" in August, 2003. Once the teens arrived in Halifax, they were put into four bands, assigned a "coach", and worked long hours every day on lessons, writing, and jamming...basically doing what they LOVE. Rock Camp promises to be something that has never been seen before, and highly entertaining. To find out more about "Rock Camp" check out their web-site:
Posted by: ben | March 10, 2004 at 09:14 PM
wow this is like the only place that doesnt have: I LOVE KEVIN! all over it....~roles eyes~
Posted by: Hellfire | March 28, 2004 at 01:22 AM
Can you plz get me Kevin's e-mail address
Posted by: Alexandra | April 03, 2004 at 07:56 AM
lol, ur right hellfire, but wats wrong with loving kevin? lol. but ur right, those ppl r CRAZY! control ur love ppl, i am! lol
Posted by: lauren | April 06, 2004 at 12:24 AM
You know its weird cuz, Kevin plays a 10 year old a the age of 13! Anywayz...I know everyone hears this a lot when you post comments but kevin, seems REALLY cool and i really wish i can meet him on day... im listening to the kids commentary on the school of rock dvd and he is SO funny....KEVIN IF U R READING (which u proabaly are not)...u rock!
Posted by: Kat | April 18, 2004 at 03:44 AM
omg kevin is the hottiest guy i've ever seen he is so sweet and the face is just woooooo. we are the same age to it sux that he dosent like to have a girlfriend.
Posted by: | April 22, 2004 at 05:44 PM
i love kevin so much my room is filled with only kevin pics and my room is really big. i have his name writen everywere i go Just kidding im not that opssed i just think he is so hot and i love him. He would be the sweetest boyfriend to
Posted by: marina | April 22, 2004 at 05:46 PM
i love kevin so much my room is filled with only kevin pics and my room is really big. i have his name writen everywere i go Just kidding im not that opssed i just think he is so hot and i love him. He would be the sweetest boyfriend to
Posted by: marina | April 22, 2004 at 05:51 PM
Rock and Roll Camp *drool* that would be sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool! o well to late now *sigh* o well LED ZEPPELIN ROCKS AND SO DOES SCHOOL OF ROCK! YEAH! and guitar does too!
Posted by: Jack | April 26, 2004 at 06:22 PM
kevin is damn hot. he is so cute. that is the only reason I watch sor all the time, to see that damn hot cutie cant wait till hes in anouther movie and you know damn well ill be seein it!
Posted by: kevin lover | May 04, 2004 at 06:58 PM
watch how many times I can swear fuck fricken shit hell damn damn damn whats with all the swearing anyway?
Posted by: marrisa j i luv kevin more than u do | May 04, 2004 at 07:11 PM
look you bitch (marissa j whatever the hell your name is shut the hell up
Posted by: kevin lover | May 04, 2004 at 07:14 PM
no you cant make me
Posted by: marrisa j | May 04, 2004 at 07:15 PM
Kevin is damn HOT!!! LOVE U
Posted by: Jelissa | May 05, 2004 at 01:42 PM
you are damn hot!
Posted by: kevin is a fricken hottie! | May 08, 2004 at 12:35 PM
Where can I find some School of Rock
fan site that doesn't have any
"Kevin is so hot" posts???
Control ur desire,ppl!!!
Posted by: Syam | May 08, 2004 at 10:25 PM
this movie iz the best!!! im going 2 get the video soon! I just want 2 thank jack black 4 making the best movie ever.!!!! I talk about it all day in school! I have a guitar and i want to learn!!! teach meeeee!!! Your biggest fan. thanks!
Posted by: sam tony | May 11, 2004 at 09:29 PM
WUUUUUUUUUOoooooooooooWWWW my ass kickin dud He's rocks like stage divin' solo playing guitar he rocks and I like that he said "Dewey Finn: I pledge allegiance... to the band... of Mr. Schneebly... and will not fight him... for creative control... and will defer to him on all issues related to the musical direction of the band."
Posted by: NeD ScHnEeBly | May 15, 2004 at 01:15 PM
Does anyone actually have kevins e-mail adress??????
Posted by: Anna | July 13, 2004 at 11:46 PM
Wow you guys are pretty pathetic, talking about how much you love someone you have never actually spent time with.
Posted by: Anna | July 13, 2004 at 11:49 PM
People shut up about Kevin you've never met him and will probably never get to meet him
I also don't think Kevin likes having everyone in the world obsessing over him.
You peop's really have to get over Kevin and on with your lives
Posted by: | July 19, 2004 at 01:33 PM
Kevin Clark is sooooooo buff! u totally rock! i need his email adress!
Posted by: Hannah | September 21, 2004 at 02:26 PM
hey kevin i am friends with hannah and she really likes you but i think you r ok (buff) me and hannah r really buff dont belive me ask all the boy that asked us out have a nice day WE R YOUR NUMBER ONE FANS we love you bi xxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: georgia | September 21, 2004 at 02:30 PM
Hi I just wanted to know if Kevin has a girlfriend.
Posted by: Cayleigh | December 16, 2004 at 08:10 PM
Hi jack black my friend loves you
Posted by: cayleigh | December 16, 2004 at 08:10 PM
hey everybody jey and kevin are like the best guitarest and drum player's in the world!!
I realy hope you guys read thiss well keep rockin like you already do!!!
Posted by: cristina | January 06, 2005 at 01:15 PM
joey and kevin rock
Posted by: cristina | January 09, 2005 at 08:49 AM
hey every1!!joey is an absolute INSANE guitarist and kevin is an AWSUM drummer!!! u guyz totally rok! man i wish i cood meet u guyz 1 day!! it wood b awsum 2 jam wif u both!! and cayleight, last tym i checked i dun fink he has a a total fan of both of them and joey ur guitar skill r lyk tooo awsum and kevin ur rummin skill juz rok!!
luv ya
Posted by: summer | February 03, 2005 at 12:46 AM
and kev i hav to admit dat i really lyk u and not only dat ur cwt but ur personality 2 and stuff *i no dat sounds sooooo weird coz i hav neva met u but really its tru*.....dis is really weird and i no man of u wont believe me but i go 4 looks and personality which is really har 2 find and 2 hav u as a bf is lyk soooo impossile tho so newaiiz, i ddint wana frak u out or nefin just thort ud lyk to no...luv ya
Posted by: summer | February 03, 2005 at 12:49 AM
im nt rily obsesd w/ kevin clark,bt hez rily talented n hez olryt lukin,bt jz so u noe (ol u crazy ppl), he does av a gurlfren n y d hel wudnt he lyk avin a gurlfren kat?
Posted by: jeckarina =p | March 01, 2005 at 12:56 PM
hey jeckarina, do u hav msn?? and duz he really hav a gf and if he did how wood u no????
Posted by: summer | March 02, 2005 at 06:29 AM
and if u say ur not obssesed wif him den y did u make a website of him??? and u cum here and call us crazy 4 lykin hima dn u do da same thing, hunnii stop bein a hypocrite!!!
Posted by: summer | March 02, 2005 at 06:30 AM
Hi! I really like School of Rock, it´s one of the best movies ever!!! And, even if you don´t think so, Anna, I don´t care about if I ever get to meet him. I´m just saying Kevin Clark rocks! (I won´t say "I love u" ´cause i don´t know him, but...)
Posted by: Caroline | April 13, 2005 at 01:18 PM question...who are you guys even TALKING about...and i was just randomly looking at this site, and i probly dont know who this person is b/c ive never seen this movie, but ummm...yea can someone email me and tell me WHO you people are obsessing overr..thanx love cayleigh xox
btw look at my site! :) just type my name in when you get on it :)
Posted by: cayleigh xox | May 11, 2005 at 05:15 PM
hey cayleigh....yer well theres dis guyz call Kevin and Joey and theyre freom a movie call school of rok and kevin is hot and joey is cute and THATZ who they r obessin over...but itz not that bad to obssess =P
Posted by: summer | May 12, 2005 at 02:53 AM
Kevin clark is stupid he is a spaz thats ded ugly utha ppl exist appart from him uno y the hell wud he wnt 2 talk2 ny of u saddos nyway ur all so up ur own arses so frig off !
Posted by: Excuse me other people exist other than Kevin Clark | July 21, 2005 at 10:09 AM
Does anyone know what band won this contest? And when did the video air?
Posted by: Cintia | July 31, 2005 at 06:11 PM
The band Another Man's Trash won the contest. The video has not yet aired. Check out AMTRASH.COM for more information.
Posted by: Another Man's Trash Street Team | July 31, 2005 at 06:18 PM x
Posted by: Nbkvqwz | June 02, 2007 at 10:23 AM