Yahoo! News - Complete List of Golden Globe Nominees
He's up against Johnny Depp, Bill Murray, Jack Nicholson and Billy BOb Thornton.
Maybe those guys should get together and make a movie!
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Dear Mr. Black,
My name is Zion Ballard. I am seven years old. I am in the second grade. I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. I am writing you because I want to be an actor like you. You are one of the best actors and you are in a lot of good movies, like Nacho Libre, School of Rock, and King Kong. How can I be an actor like you? You are really funny and good at it. Your Friend, Zion
P.S. My dad typed for me. You rock!
Posted by: Zion Ballard | June 30, 2006 at 04:45 PM
Hola faretaste
Posted by: AnferTuto | July 28, 2007 at 04:59 AM