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Kevin is so cute


Kevin is so cute plz get me his email

Rexy Cuenca

I'm not sure wut uncool to cool is this is so uncool.




Kevin Clark is sooooo hot!!!


I saw School Of Rock 5 times and I love Kevin Clark so much.He is so hot..i always talk about him and i rele would love to meet him.Im 13 and hes like 15 or 16( theres a chance). But I wanna meet him so BAD!!!

i love kevin so much,
and i am his number 1 fan
i have only watched the movie once and i feelin luv with him at once.
he is so cool and i love music so much anyway i relly want his email
i am from melbourne in Australia in Victoria


i love kevin so much,
and i am his number 1 fan
i have only watched the movie once and i feelin luv with him at once.
he is so cool and i love music so much anyway i relly want his email
i am from melbourne in Australia in Victoria


Kevin Clark yo u b SOO totally fine, sexy, hot, cute and r u single because i am will u please email me: [email protected] or if anyones got his email address email me it please


Kevin hey if u r ever on the outer banks of NC, look me up, im under Donovan Ruth, call me plz

has anyone got his email addy??????? send it to me!!!!!!!


i badly need his email address!!!!!!!!!!!
someone PLEASE send it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!


hi guys! kevin is so cute


Kevin Clark you are so hot:) omg me and my friend whant to no if u have msn if u do can we have it plz if not ok ya well just to let u no u r so HOT:) well love ya bunch byez


Kevin Clark you are so hot:) omg me and my friend whant to no if u have msn if u do can we have it plz if not ok ya well just to let u no u r so HOT:) well love ya bunch byez


Kevin Clark I really must say : You are soooooooooo cute, can you tell me were you live. I love you so much!!! Have you got a girlfriend,PLEASE answer. I live in Croatia, and you are the cutest boy I ever saw in my live!!!!!

Your biggest fan Vanessa
One bigg KISS for YOU :-*


You guys r all so obsessed! So, Kevin is cute, but u don't like love him, c-ing how u don't personally no him. So calm down. And plz quit saying "I love Kevin. He's soooo hot!" because it makes u sound sooooo pathetic. Besides, we already no. Catch my drift?


Kevin, you r soooo sexy. I am ur number 1 fan. I swear. Im not a freaky obsessed fan- im 13 and ur 14. Guys tell me im pretty hot myself, we'd make a cute couple, but first of all, do u have a girlfriend. I also just started to learn how to play the drums. Please respond!!! I luv u.


Kevin looks so much like my friend it is so freaky lol...when i saw this movie i was kinda scared lol!


Kay, if u decide to come on here ring me i want to talk 2 ya i missed ya from holiday...!


Y is it that kevin is soo hot and we hav 2 watch a fab film and just get put of by his sexines?? o well hes FUCKIN SEXY!! pleez email bbe!! on [email protected]
luv ya
ps. i am learnin guitar so mayb joey cud giv me sum hints!!


hey kevin and joey ,email me cause You are reading an email from your favourite fan cristina well Today I realy would like to hear from you !!! I mean I don't think I ever saw anybody play drums and guitar like you guys please email me!!!
[email protected]
p.s email me as soon as you read thiss I know its kinda boring but believe me its not!!! : )
lots of hugs from cristina
joey and kevin kick ass!!!


kavin clark rape me!


kevin alexander clark rape me!

natalie sand phoebe

we r 12 and we r sisters and we both think that kev is the hottest in town. rock on!!

natalie and phoebe

we r bak and we live in england we would luv to meet u cus u r lush and r lives r taken over by kevs great looks and talent at drumming. we r influenced by your sense of musical studies and we play the electric guitar and we would luv 2 b in a band wid kev c.

natalie storer

kev come to england.we need u!!

natalie and phoebe

r u 12 or 17??

Joe Joe

I watched the school of rock and I think that Kevin Alexander Clark is the MOST talented drummer in the United States of America! I played drums for a while and I know drummers and how hard they work. My dad has a recording studio in moore, oklahoma and it would be totally awsome if he could come down. To prove I am not some 500 pound freak trying to kidnap him, here is the website for my dads recording studio. www.creationlabschool.com I really shouldn't get my hopes up but ever since I saw how great of a drummer he is I knew I had to get him down here. Please consider this, Kevin, and wouldn't you like a CD of your band? well even if he never comes my dad got free publicity!

Joe Joe

I watched the school of rock and I think that Kevin Alexander Clark is the MOST talented drummer in the United States of America! I played drums for a while and I know drummers and how hard they work. My dad has a recording studio in moore, oklahoma and it would be totally awsome if he could come down. To prove I am not some 500 pound freak trying to kidnap him, here is the website for my dads recording studio. www.creationlabschool.com I really shouldn't get my hopes up but ever since I saw how great of a drummer he is I knew I had to get him down here. Please consider this, Kevin, and wouldn't you like a CD of your band? well even if he never comes my dad got free publicity!


You all need to back off cause kevin is my boyfriend. but don't worry about it i'm hotter then all of you!


You are all dumbass's, and fat ugly chicks without a life so you post your hot, you all should burn in the depths of hell.FROM: A VERY TWISTED LIL GIRL.


I'm flattered that you all like me but Katy scares me and she kinda has a point so you can keep writing but i won't respond or read them.Sorry.

From: Kevin
Ps, Gaby could you stop reading these post it just makes you mad and you a better girlfriend when your happy.

Jonnalyn S. Toreja

i love u Kevin.u are always at my mind i cant remove u in my mind i luv u so much.....


I think that your are like, the HOTTEST dude in the world! I really wish that i could meet you.

yall leave the guy alone! he is probably scared of anyone of you!


Guys kevin has probaly got one of the prettiest chicks as a girlfriend so just leave the poor guy alone!!!!


I'm agree with that "someone" person... you guys have to leave him alone!!!!


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG i hate you peeps that r dissing on him but the peeps that arent i totally agree with you he is soooooooooooooooooo hotttttttt and im from the sunshine state so i no what im talkin about when i say hotttttttt guys and he is and a great drummer did hereallyright that does hereally read these does he that would be so awsome but guys hes a awsome dude but keep in mind hes a normal kid like us ok may be awsome but still normal but iv watched school of rock like 500 times they did a awsome job on that movie i like the part where hes like freddy what stuff do u like 2 do and hes all idont no burn stuff awsome awsome !


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG guess what peepsi learnedsky wayto heaven on my elec guitar i no im still no where as goood as kevin on his drums but still im happy kevin do u or anyone else here play elec guitar ^_^? o wait how are we s pose to no its really you


anyone here like thease bands fallout boy my chemical romance the used reliant k bowling for soup o ya guys dont u think greenday is old they have been playing for like20 years o ya just for the note i am not a creepy old stalker i hatethem i had one on aim once it freaked me out so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


gaby you re so wrong i think its saveto say that we all agree accept the peeps that dont agreee your on crack if you think that so read bettween the lines!


I'm kevins cousin, i can get u something autographed if u give me your name and password on runescape, u must be a lvl. 60 and up. Kevin sry but i need a better guy on runescape!


by the way for name and pass on runescape u must be a lvl.60 and up. u can email me at [email protected] then i'll get u something (ne thing) signed by kevin. P.S. kevin i'll need to sign u a few things if ne 1 e-mails me the stuff. by the way if u give me something incorrect on runescape, u will not get ne thing autographed.


hey omg u guys are like so weird because u guys dont even noe his real age and i do nad im not some twleve year old that drewling over his hott face when u wathc school of rock and kevin if u read this and if u have msn add me [email protected]

naomi agatha villegaS

hey who is using nmy name nakakainis na kayo ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow kevin is sooooooo... hot:)
i would love to meet him ur2gr82binmy<3

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