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omgosh... kevin clark is damn hott..... Kevin clark if ur readin this..... juz wanna say i luv u. & im totally watchin d movie tomorrow... cuz i really like u.... ur 15 im 13..... well ye w./e cya later....

Alysia johnson

Hey Im In love with joey gaydos he is so hot but dont worry I am not one of the psycos who say hey I already picked out our childrens names!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!! but still I wonder what he makesout like!!!!!!! hey this is mormangurl saying bye bye and luv ya to joey!!!!! P.S joeyif you are reading this e-mail me at [email protected]!!!! luv ya


Kevin is totally tha star of this movie - but Im not gonna be all "Hey Kevin I luv ya marry me btw Im 14!!" coz thats really sad...


omg omg omg kevin clark is so0o0o0o0o0o00o0o F****** sexy


joey is the ###### bestat the guitar!!!he is betta than Jimi Hendrix>


OMG im in love w/ kevin clark. he looked really good in school of rock and was really talented
w/ da whole drumm'n thing. and yeah he looked
really good wen they wer doin the performance at
the end. all in all he was BLOODY HOT ALL
well jst lke to tell everyone that
im in love w/ Kevin Clark as well as tom felton
but well done KEVIN!!! u rock
love ocurtney


Whoops Spelt ma name worng lol.
love courtney
(there thats beta)


God, Kevin Clark is so damn hott its not even funny!


And dito for tom!

Stacey (from Stacey's mom)

Everyone likes my mom not me it's not fair!!! She's ugly!!! I like Lawrence a lot !!! and I would love it if he went out with me!!!


Yo yo yo ma name is Freddo! And I luv yo!!


OMG Kevin Clark is the hottest thing since Shia Labeouf. And he is pretty darn hot. But im just another one of thoses fans.
Luv ya Rachel


sory spelled those wrong

nikki B

OMG Kevin your r so dam hot....... u looked so good in school of rock

I LOVE U!!!!!


OMG!!!!! Kevin Alexander Clark!!!! He is so damm hot! Total hottie!! If you ever read this......I have i have pictures of you in my locker and my bed room. Also my desktop, icon, screename and screensaver is all you!!! O and I made us together on the sims. We live together with one daughter(gonna have more!). You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. Kevin is soooo hot w/spiked hair and his hands are so sexy!!!!


i just wanna say that kvin is sosososososososo HHOOTT and like every girl in australia thinks
he is SO CUTE!!!!!! if your reading this kevin please contact me please please please !!!


dear ...
i just wanna say that everyone in australia
thinks kevin is sosososo Hot!!!i think he is realy
realy realy cute and if your reading this kevin
please contact me coz i think your cute!!!and realy HOT,HOT,HOT !!! AND MY BEST FRIEND THINKS YOUR SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE


KEVIN IS SUCH A HOTTIE!!! He is the best eva!!! I am soooooo in luv with him!


Wow, everyone that syas taht they love kevin clark, or joey gaydos is wikked sad. You dont even know them, AND how freaky would that be knowing that people you dont even know are planning to marry you, and have already picked out your childrens names?! wow.


OMG..... i went out with kevin clark in the 4th grade and he was so hot back then and now he is even hotter!!! OMG kevin i want you back! if you are reading this i just want you to no that im SRY that i broke up with u because u were such an angry person (which he was) OMG i still love you come back to me PLEASE!!!


OMG i think that kevin clark is sOOOOOOOOOOo hot i cant even believe it. he is just soo hot if ur reading this email me @ [email protected]

love u kevin


Omigod!! Kevin is so hott!!! I luv you!:) If you are reading this I love you and have so many pictures of you! All of my friends like you too:( LOL! Love ya!! If u get this e-mail me because I am such a huge fan!
P.S. Today is your BIRTHDAY!!


its me again(hannah) that was my friend kelsie and she is nice (im nicer). gotta go love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS.i think u r hot!!!! once again (email me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!) luv ya


Hi Kevin! Happy 15th B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you and so do all my friends. If you get this,please email me back. THANK YOU! Bye!

Kevin Clark LUVAH!

OMG! Kevin I luv ya! If ur readun this email me at [email protected] im in luv wit cha! seriously! happy 15th bday! ;) u so hot, gotta luv ya...
have a great xmas!


kevin is soooooooo hott he is like whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv him!


i luv u kevin u r too hottttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i luv kevin sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!


i luv u kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy b-day!


kevin u r sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hotttt!!!!!!


kevin please email me! iluv u!


hey yall
i found some juicy gossip that yall wanna hear!!!!!

y no kevin, he real from dream street hes sooo UGLY!!!! how cold u go ut wth a dreme street memba


who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even if he is


even though he is not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah J

Hey Joey-
I thought school of rock was da bomb!!!!!!! And you are a sick guitarist and I love ya! Email me!


hey kevin i luv u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 pleeze be mine!
pleeze email me!


hey yall its me again
how could u gout w a memba of DREAM STREET hesoooooooooooooo UGLY i dont even wanna say how gay u r 4 wanin 2 go out w him

u guys make me SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick hes ugly abd off dream street i hate u all you fags


hey bello!! (beautiful boi in italian)
u r gorgeous and have a wonderful way of playin the drums. u are gorgeous i luv ya!! MARRY ME!! i need u boi!! if u ev read this email me. [email protected] im 15 in january. have hot xmas jus like urself!!! i luv u. i was ur latest gf and we broke up cus of the movie!! i wann c u gin babe. u no my numb!! hey all u otha chiks if u wanna talk about kevin give me a shout i no aloootttttt bout him. lu yya babi.xxooxxoo mel


i love you kevin E-mail me at [email protected] i love you so much and to my friend kylie M he is all main. love you kevin


Kevin is such a hottie guy i ever seen and , of course in SCHOOL OF ROCK !!!!!!!! he is really tallented with da whole drumm'n thing, and yeah he loolked really good when they we doin' the performance at the end. All in all he was Bloody hot all through it . well just like to tell everyone that i'm in love with kevin clark as well as Tom Felton 2 but Kevin , u rock !!!!! oh god, isaw the movie 2day and i fall in love with him straight away . i'm have been downloading pix if him all day . Kevin is are very handsome and punk drummer !!!!


kevin u too kewl! i luv u soooo much
pleeze email me!


kevin u r soo good @ drums and soo hott pleeze email me!


hey! i think Kevin is a HOTTIE! right after i saw the movie i wanted to look him up for some pics of him!!!!


hey yall its me again i no how u luv my gossip. well 2days ur lucki da cuse i hav more yall.u noi that @ the end no body really plays anything. they just record stuff and play whill there pretanding 2 play . they dont play @ all during 1 point in the movie .THEY R ALL BIG LIARS. THEY SUCK ROYALY. and hey kevin so called hottie pants, i think u r the ugliest thing on the earth u were a mistake i hope u cry kevin. i hate u!!


hey yall,
i am sister to sheba!! she is sooo cool. i lok up to her and i am the older one. we just got done pluckin' chickens'. they r fiesty! they r still alvie when we do opperation PC(pluckin' chickens') so u girls like kevin? well i have news fer yall! kevin, they r crazy becuze all they do is drool over your picturs and don't met u really!!

hey u cant bad mouth kevin


that person without a name is right u should not be mean to kevin is that how u want to be treated?!? well kevin u r not ugly @ all! ur the hottest thing on the earth and i luv ya!!!!!!!!!!!! u r great @ drums and ur great just the way u r! i luv u!!!!!!


pfftt...wat is wiv all u ppl?~! sure he's hot but nufing 2 drool over...


hello every1,
i just wanted to say that i think that kevin is pretty hot. i know what yas all mean about how ya think hes the hottest thing eva and ya wanna meet him more than ne thing else cause i went through that stage with tom felton! (he looks a lil like kevin!) but i sorta got ova it but ne ways my point that i was going 2 make was that i think its really mean when people say heaps mean stuff and are really rude about the kevin guy. hes a human being as well and how would you like it if sum1 wrote that u were ugly and that u cant act? i know if sum1 wrote that about me i would be up set, but i guess every1 has their own opinoin but i think that u should just keep it 2 urself. well i betta go and i would just like 2 say that school of rock is such a great movie! and i like rock music now! bye bye's all



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