Little Kids Rock is a real-life 'School of Rock'
Children are treated to classroom visits from stars like Bonnie Raitt and Tom Waits, who recently showed up at the Spring Valley Elementary School in San Francisco. Harmonica virtuoso Norton Buffalo, former Metallica bass guitarist Jason Newsted and singer-songwriter Austin Willacy have also turned up in classrooms.Who is Norton Buffalo?
Joey hi I want to say I'm a major fan,
well done in school of rock, You play like a GOD! don't worry I'm not gonna call u or anything, you probably get bambarded all the time. Anyway,
it's hard to find you on the internet. what are
ur interests and stuff? hope everything's ok
with you, this might look I bit early to be up
but I'm english you see. oh well, best go, well done.
Posted by: Sally | February 21, 2004 at 05:00 AM
hey joey! i just wanted to say you totally rock! and i cant believe it!! you worship jimmi hendrix!! SO DO I!! lol srry, just not a lot of ppl i know, dont even know who that is, but right now, i totally worship you (as a guitar player) too!! i have never seen anyone your age play like that!! well... our age... you were sooooo awesome!! i hope to see you in more movies!! KEEP ROCKIN JOEY GAYDOS JR!
Posted by: Ashley (joey you were awesome) | March 09, 2004 at 09:11 PM
heeey... well joey ..dude u rock! ur the cutest person ever! kevin damn..wat a hottie! i would love to talk to ne 1 fromt he cast! it would be the kewlest thing ever.. so if this is ne of u plz email me or sumthin!
Posted by: jessie | March 15, 2004 at 02:11 PM
Um, i not even sure u read these comments ppl write to u, but to tell u the truth, I think u look better with short hair in School of Rock, than u do in real life. Just saying!
( )_( )
Posted by: Gabrielle | March 29, 2004 at 07:29 PM
OMG Joey is the greatest ever. I just think he's the cutest guy I've ever seen! And he is the coolest guitar player I've ever seen! He's great!
Posted by: Katie | April 03, 2004 at 09:30 PM
i think joey looks cuter with longer hair in real life...either way, joey is a hottiee! lol
Posted by: monica | April 03, 2004 at 09:34 PM
Hey Kevin if you are reading this i would LOVE to talk to you! You are an AWESOME drummer and so damn hot! PLEASE E MAIL ME BACK! You seem like a really cool, funny guy!
Posted by: Tracey | April 04, 2004 at 12:33 AM
hey joey i dont know if u read theese but i really like u but i would never call u cause u dont know me but i wish u did well i love ur taste in music keep rockin love ya ps please e mail me joey,viv
Posted by: vivian | April 12, 2004 at 01:23 PM
hey joey i think ur hott
Posted by: jess | April 14, 2004 at 01:30 PM
hey joey i think ur hott
Posted by: hey joey i think ur hott | April 14, 2004 at 01:34 PM
you have great talet. and not to mention cute ;-) email me.
ps friend lindsay renee young is in love with youuuu
ppss were 15 ;-)
Posted by: kayla | April 14, 2004 at 03:39 PM
Kevin ur gorgeous and so cute when playing the drums;)! im 15 going on 16. it would be amazing if you could email me sometime! my bestfriend is in love with joey.
Posted by: Lindsay | April 14, 2004 at 03:49 PM
ru going to do another movie, Joey? you're so cute.
Posted by: Tiffany | April 24, 2004 at 01:41 AM
joey is my boyfriend so like...back off
Posted by: Lucinette | May 03, 2004 at 08:06 PM
Hey Kevin
I think that you are so hot in school of rock.
I have like toons of pics of you here from school of rock and in ur normal life. Practically all the girls in my class like you and love the movie school of rock. We have to do this stupid project but I'm doing a part of an article on you. By the way I'm like 4 years younger than you and I'm in grade 6 but that's O.K. Well It's really late and I better be going.
P.S.(I have a great smile!)
Monkey Girl
Posted by: Jessica | May 04, 2004 at 10:41 PM
Hey Kevin It's jessica again and gosh I think that after I tell them what websites Ive been on they'll freak. I'm pretty sure that they will love to do this too cause it's so fun speaking to you and i'm so happy. Will there be a school of rock 2 because if you guys do then I will freak and be sooooooo hyper. Ive memorized a part at the end: a gutbusting drum solo from Freddie take it away and then of course there's the drum solo after that. Well if I could have 5 wishes one of them would be you to be my boyfriend or for you to be my age so that we could maybe have a chance of getting together. Well I better get back to doing my biography on you.
P.S.(There's hardly any info on you on the internet so if you have any more send it to my website at [email protected])
Monkey Girl (Jessica)
Posted by: Jessica | May 04, 2004 at 10:56 PM
HEy Kevin!I'm a drummer 2..and I'm starting to get sick out here!If ur reading this,plzz tell me how can I contact Rebecca Brown!I've searched the internet thousand times and I still got no info 'bout her!can u help me plzz,dude!thanx a river!and keep doing the solo,Kevo!
Posted by: Syam | May 05, 2004 at 03:37 AM
hi kevin!!!
my name is Alannah,
i love u so, so, so much! you are like really hot. i am a drummer too and i keep trying to play your drum solo, you know, the one at the end of the movie; it rocks!
it's really weird, cos at school everyones like ''oh my god, ur a female drummer" to me. i don't think theres anything wrong with that? do you?
i also have the soundtrack and am saving up for the dvd.
please, please write back!
love you lots
my email: [email protected]
Posted by: alannah | May 14, 2004 at 11:24 PM
Omg! Joey and Kevin are the hottest! They are so0o0o0o like the best! *Sigh* only if I can meet you..although If you do see me, you will think that i m very ugly..hehe,lol. Btw, I have you pictures on my binder, i have you guys everywhere practically, well not e-mail me back. yo. I love you guys! peace out!
P.S. I REALLY do think that Joey's hair looks better now...
Posted by: ~KiRsTeN!~ | May 16, 2004 at 11:06 PM
Ei! Joey! ur so cool.... the way u play the guitar! well done dude! and kevin clark... wat a hottie... well, I wish I could talk 2 one of the
casts... oh well! just wanna say ur cool n keep
on rockin' dude!
Posted by: iCa | May 23, 2004 at 08:31 PM
Ei! Joey! ur so cool.... the way u play the guitar! well done dude! and kevin clark... wat a hottie... well, I wish I could talk 2 one of the
casts... oh well! just wanna say ur cool n keep
on rockin' dude!
Posted by: iCa | May 23, 2004 at 08:31 PM
Hey Kevin and Joey you guys rock my name stephanie and i play the bass guitar i've been playing for six years like you two have been playing a long time i wish that someday we could play together well not really cuz u peps are trying to worry bout your life so yea its just a dream but o well i'm also not one of the girls (cough up above cough that are all i want u guys thats wrong all i wanna be is ya friend unlike other peps any wayif u guys could e-mail me if u even get on the internet and read this gay crap but o well my aol screen name is jmaxblkbelt92 and by the way i want a burping contest with u guys since u think ur so good in all jkjkjk
Much love chick-s-d's
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dont no one copy this it took to long to make for someone else to talk the credit
Posted by: Sephanie Gramlich | June 14, 2004 at 05:12 PM
Hey Kevin and Joey you guys rock my name stephanie and i play the bass guitar i've been playing for six years like you two have been playing a long time i wish that someday we could play together well not really cuz u peps are trying to worry bout your life so yea its just a dream but o well i'm also not one of the girls (cough up above cough that are all i want u guys thats wrong all i wanna be is ya friend unlike other peps any wayif u guys could e-mail me if u even get on the internet and read this gay crap but o well my aol screen name is jmaxblkbelt92 and by the way i want a burping contest with u guys since u think ur so good in all jkjkjk
Much love chick-s-d's
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dont no one copy this it took to long to make for someone else to talk the credit
Posted by: Sephanie Gramlich | June 14, 2004 at 05:12 PM
Hey Kevin and Joey you guys rock my name stephanie and i play the bass guitar i've been playing for six years like you two have been playing a long time i wish that someday we could play together well not really cuz u peps are trying to worry bout your life so yea its just a dream but o well i'm also not one of the girls (cough up above cough that are all i want u guys thats wrong all i wanna be is ya friend unlike other peps any wayif u guys could e-mail me if u even get on the internet and read this gay crap but o well my aol screen name is jmaxblkbelt92 and by the way i want a burping contest with u guys since u think ur so good in all jkjkjk
Much love chick-s-d's
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dont no one copy this it took to long to make for someone else to talk the credit
Posted by: Sephanie Gramlich | June 14, 2004 at 05:13 PM
Hey Kevin and Joey you guys rock my name stephanie and i play the bass guitar i've been playing for six years like you two have been playing a long time i wish that someday we could play together well not really cuz u peps are trying to worry bout your life so yea its just a dream but o well i'm also not one of the girls (cough up above cough that are all i want u guys thats wrong all i wanna be is ya friend unlike other peps any wayif u guys could e-mail me if u even get on the internet and read this gay crap but o well my aol screen name is jmaxblkbelt92 and by the way i want a burping contest with u guys since u think ur so good in all jkjkjk
Much love chick-s-d's
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dont no one copy this it took to long to make for someone else to talk the credit
Posted by: Sephanie Gramlich | June 14, 2004 at 05:13 PM
Hey Kevin and Joey you guys rock my name stephanie and i play the bass guitar i've been playing for six years like you two have been playing a long time i wish that someday we could play together well not really cuz u peps are trying to worry bout your life so yea its just a dream but o well i'm also not one of the girls (cough up above cough that are all i want u guys thats wrong all i wanna be is ya friend unlike other peps any wayif u guys could e-mail me if u even get on the internet and read this gay crap but o well my aol screen name is jmaxblkbelt92 and by the way i want a burping contest with u guys since u think ur so good in all jkjkjk
Much love chick-s-d's
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dont no one copy this it took to long to make for someone else to talk the credit
Posted by: Sephanie Gramlich | June 14, 2004 at 05:13 PM
Hey Kevin and Joey you guys rock my name stephanie and i play the bass guitar i've been playing for six years like you two have been playing a long time i wish that someday we could play together well not really cuz u peps are trying to worry bout your life so yea its just a dream but o well i'm also not one of the girls (cough up above cough that are all i want u guys thats wrong all i wanna be is ya friend unlike other peps any wayif u guys could e-mail me if u even get on the internet and read this gay crap but o well my aol screen name is jmaxblkbelt92 and by the way i want a burping contest with u guys since u think ur so good in all jkjkjk
Much love chick-s-d's
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dont no one copy this it took to long to make for someone else to talk the credit
Posted by: Sephanie Gramlich | June 14, 2004 at 05:13 PM
Yo!! its been a while since the movie was out... and plus it seems like im the only guy that posted somethin! aight well im not sure if u can like trust me or anything , although i promise u u can, but if u have aim my sn is NiggleTIDe1337I or email aight? peace
Posted by: Kevin | June 18, 2004 at 04:42 PM
hey me and my friend are both musicians and we were arguing if joey really plays the solo at the end of the movie plz reply
Posted by: adrian | August 26, 2004 at 08:41 PM
that solo at the end of the film is great!!! i wanna learn how to do that , as im a drummer myself!!
Posted by: abi | December 14, 2004 at 08:10 AM
hey kevin,wazup?? just wanna say nice drumin!!! and...em did u kno that ur sooo hot??? i mean u look sooo cool in da drummin sequence!!! real smoothe, how old are u anyway??? i'v been tryin to get ur freakin b'date but no luck :( so i was hopin if u could reply or somethin, plzzzz i'm 13 btw...gonna be 14 on da 3rd of march,oh ya n' em...i'm from sri lanka..studyin' in dubai!!! i could be ur brown eyed might already have a gf)!!...well, hope to hear from u soon, i'll keep my fingers crossed!!! i'd love to chat with ya, c ya!! rock on!!! MERRY X-MAS TOOO!!!!
xxx misfit xxx
Posted by: thanuri | December 25, 2004 at 12:52 PM
hey, Rebecca, i think your hott and if I knew you more or knew your e-mail i would e-mail you, but i don't. Plus i want to be an actor as well but i don't know how to start.
so if you could e-mail me back and tell me it that would be great. And it'll prove that you guys do read the messages. P-ce.
ps. I think your a great actor!!
Posted by: Dylan | December 31, 2004 at 10:01 PM
ohhhhh myyyyy godddddd kev youre sooooo hottttt!! i am sooooo in love with you!! please email me!! [sorry but im 46]
Posted by: maggie | January 17, 2005 at 10:53 AM
hey kevo .. yea well are you gay? cuz i am and i am sooooooooooooo in love with you. maybe we could chill sometime.. i live in illinois if you ever wanna give me a call
Posted by: rob | January 17, 2005 at 10:56 AM
Damn I'm so jealous, I wish I could have attended a school of rock as a kid.
Posted by: Jaymus | March 16, 2005 at 02:41 AM
hey hey kevin u r sooooooooo hot can we like hook-up or sumtin!!!!!!I love u and i live in ontario ok so if ur down there try and find me PLEASE i luv u!!!!! i am doing my class speech on u haha.
well bye bye 4 now LUV U SEXY MAN!!!!!
Love Yours Truly Kaylea Mills
Posted by: kaylea | March 28, 2005 at 12:34 PM
Hey Kevin its me again I wanted to let you know how i think of you.....
And if you read these kevin can you please email me at [email protected]
Talk to you l8r SEXY MAN!!!!!!!!!
Love Yours Truly Kaylea Mills!!
Posted by: Kaylea | March 28, 2005 at 12:39 PM
Rebecca Brown is so beautiful. Please email me. Wanna be in my band?
Posted by: Arto Saari | May 01, 2005 at 04:17 PM
Hey Rebecca please email me i live in mundelein. its near chicago liek 40 minutes away.
Posted by: Arto Saari | May 01, 2005 at 04:21 PM
Hello guys, i'm Vincent from Italy and i plays elettrci guitar into a big band. Wanna talk with me about guitar? [email protected] on msn (Rebecca and Guitarist of school of rock, contact me!)
Posted by: Vincent | June 27, 2005 at 03:54 PM
Hi Rebecca!, my name is Gunther (yeahh.. its a german name.. dont ask why..)Im from Mexico city, and Im 19 years old, I just have to tell you that I completely falled in love with you when I saw the movie... that was yesterday, jeje I borrowed the DVD from a friend. you are the coolest rockin girl in the planet, and also de prettiest! look Im a musician too, I study in the only contemporary/popular music school that is related to Berklee College of Music here in Mexico, it is called "Academia de Musica Fermatta" like you I began with classical guitar, now Im very close to begin the recording of my first album with my band, wich sounds like a mix of Oasis, Coldplay.. and also have the sound of some mexican bands and artists.. (like Jaguares) my band's name: Serra. I really would like to meet you some day, really, you have caught my atention and my heart, jaja, hope you hapiness and succes.. Id loved to recieve response from you, by the way.. my mail is [email protected]
Bye! Cuidate mucho Rebecca! espero escuchar pronto de ti en algun proyecto musical o cinematografico. 17 - Julio - 2005
Posted by: Gunther Martinez | July 17, 2005 at 03:05 AM
I just wanted to know what do you think i should do to help me become an actress. I have been told by loads of people and my drama teacher that i am really good at it and i should become an actress. But i don't know where to begin can you help me please.
And also i like your guitars and nice going with the fact you like family guy and monty phython and the holy grail. nice one!
Posted by: Anna-Louise | July 20, 2005 at 05:11 PM
and also i was talking to joey when i did my first e mail. And hello
Posted by: Anna-Louise | July 20, 2005 at 05:12 PM
Hey Kevin! I think you are an amazing actor... are you doing any more movies anytime soon? I'm 15.. going on 16. It would be AWESOME if you could email me one time.. maybe just say what you have been up to. Thanks!
Posted by: Lindsey | July 21, 2005 at 03:56 PM
hey can i have the tabs for the drum solo right at the end of the film when there doing the rehersals because i play the drums and i thought it was an excellent solo!
Posted by: james | July 29, 2005 at 06:13 AM
Rebecca u were gr8t in da movie. is there n e way i can contact u ? ppppllllzzzz send me ur email address. Laterz :-D
Posted by: ryan | August 22, 2005 at 12:29 AM
by da way u r hotter dan n e 1 i no plz send me ur email addy
Posted by: ryan | August 22, 2005 at 12:30 AM
hey joey can i have your solo tab that you did at the end of school of rock? that was the best solo i have ever heard! your awsome!! if i can have the tab please get back to me
Posted by: Gary | September 04, 2005 at 11:56 PM
hi kevin my brother james play drums since three years old you rock
Posted by: cecilia | October 24, 2005 at 01:40 AM
my brother hate becauce he said you are a punk sorry pls forgive me
Posted by: cecilia | October 24, 2005 at 01:42 AM