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Rexy Cuenca

I'm not exactly sure what a demonic puppy is, is it a movie?


yay!!! jack black and sarah silverman are nominated for the 2004 teen choice awards!!!! go check it out at the website and vote @ www.teenpeople.com/teenpeople/teenchoice/ hope they win and show your SOR spirit!


Does anyone know where I can download the diagram of the history of rock from the movie?


Does anyone know where I can download the diagram of the history of rock from the movie?

Annalise Watson+Rachel Knight

hi me and annalise r school of rocks biggest fanatics we're crazy bout the film we watch it every day morning or night, rachel especially likes kevin clark and hopes he will read this and take notice of her name and annalises, annalise also likes jack black but not in that way, she thinks hes a legend. PLEASE READ THIS KEVIN CLARK UR HOT I LUV U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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