« Boston Camera Club Meeting: 10/05/04 | Main | Boston Camera Club - Meeting March 1st »


Robert Morrill

I enjoy clicking around this site. I'll keep looking for info about upcomming events.

I'm a neophite to this Blog business. Where can I get info on setting up my own site?



Hi, I'm looking for some sound advice. I have a Nikon F SLR camera in great condition with lenses. I'm trying to decide whether to keep it for future antique status/value or try to sell it now, EBay or dealer.
Any words of wisdom ?

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  • About Me
    I'm a local video producer, weblogger and photographer. If you've got a Boston area based photo blog, send me a note and I'll put up a link. When we get enough people signed up, I'll plan a get together so we can share tips, show photos, teach each other and have fun. email: bostonphotobloggers AT stevegarfield DOTCOM

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